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Classic Human Heart Model with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), 2 part - 3B Smart Anatomy

Brand: 3B Scientific
SKU 1000261
This unique heart model shows the long-term effects of increased heart activity due to high blood pressure. The muscular wall of the left heart ventricle is considerably thickened and the tip of the heart is visibly rounded off. Highly detailed 2-part heart at a price you will love. The front heart wall is detachable to reveal the chambers and valves inside. The heart is just slightly smaller than life-size with exquisite anatomical detail throughout. Heart on removable stand.

Every original 3B Scientific anatomy model now includes these additional FREE features:
  • Free access to the anatomy course 3B Smart Anatomy, hosted inside the award-winning Complete Anatomy app by 3D4Medical
  • The 3B Smart Anatomy course includes 23 digital anatomy lectures, 117 different virtual anatomy models and 39 anatomy quizzes to test your knowledge
  • Bonus: FREE warranty upgrade from 3 to 5 years with every product registration
TIP: You will also receive access to a free 3-day trial to all premium features of the Complete Anatomy app when you sign up for your 3B Smart Anatomy course.

To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label located on your model and register online. All 3B Smart Anatomy features are completely free of charge for you. Click here to learn more.

3B Smart Anatomy explained in 90 seconds:

1000261_1.pdf, 1000261_2.pdf, 1000261_3.pdf