The fetal doll can be placed in the model in various positions, to enable the student to practise palpation through the abdominal wall
Different birth positions can be demonstrated
<h2 class="tab-header">Features</h2>
<li>Accurate, life size anatomy with all relevant landmarks </li>
<li>Improved material gives highly realistic feedback during suturing </li>
<li>Open rectum for digital assessment and verification that the bowel has not been sutured</li>
<li>Suited to deep muscle, subcutaneous and superficial suturing techniques </li>
<li>Reinforced layer allows for repeated procedures to be performed </li>
<li>Suction feet for easy, stable securement to work surface </li>
<p><strong>2 Year Guarantee</strong></p>
<li>This model, manufactured by Adam,Rouilly, comes with a 2 Year Guarantee.<br>
This guarantee applies to models which have been used correctly and covers durability and functionality.</li>