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AirSim Child Combo X

Brand: TruCorp
SKU CC10006X
Original price $0.00 - Original price $0.00
Original price
$0.00 - $0.00
Current price $0.00

True-to-life training in pediatric airway management and cricothyroidotomy. This model is ideal for training in intubation, needle & surgical cricothyroidotomy, percutaneous tracheostomy and direct & video laryngoscopy. Includes the uniquely constructed AirSim® airway enhanced with palpable cricoid landmarks, laryngeal cartilages and tracheal rings, backed by a 5-year warranty.

Model Features
  • Innovative pediatric AirSim® X airway with a 5-year warranty & nasal cavity created from CT DICOM data
  • Anatomically correct internal features and visually accurate landmarks in airway and nasal passage
  • Wraparound replaceable neck skin rotates for 10-15 incisions
  • Easy identification of sternal notch, tracheal rings & cricoid and laryngeal cartilages
  • Inflatable tongue with lifelike texture can simulate edema
  • Replaceable lung bags inflate with successful ventilation
Medical Procedure Training
  • Needle and surgical cricothyroidotomy
  • Percutaneous tracheostomy
  • Double nasotracheal intubation
  • Bag-valve mask (BVM) ventilation techniques
  • Full range of supraglottic device insertion
  • Direct and video laryngoscopy including Sellick Maneuver
  • Awake fiberoptic examination
  • Endotracheal tube insertion
  • Combi tube insertion
  • Naso gastric tube insertion techniques

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<h2>Lifelike Manikin for Pediatric Intubation, Tracheostomy &amp; Cricothyroidotomy Training</h2>
<p>The AirSim Child Combo X features the uniquely constructed <a href="">AirSim X airway</a> enhanced with tracheal rings, simulated cricoid and laryngeal cartilages. This combination creates an ideal solution for realistic training in airway management,&nbsp;percutaneous tracheostomy and emergency cricothyroidotomy. TruCorp’s AirSim Child Combo X is the most advanced and <a href="">realistic&nbsp;pediatric airway trainer</a> on the market today, designed to withstand repeated use in a classroom setting.</p>
<p>The AirSim Child Combo X airway manikin is compatible with a full range of supraglottic devices. We recommend the following equipment sizes for optimal performance:</p>
<li>4.5-5.0 mm ID for nasal intubation</li>
<li>5.5-6.0 mm ID for oral intubation</li>
<li>Size 2 for LMA laryngeal masks</li>
<li>Size 2 laryngoscope blade</li>
<li>Similar respective sizes for other supraglottic devices</li>
<p>Due to its versatility and durability, the AirSim Child Combo X is also an excellent&nbsp;airway demonstration model for device manufacturers and educators. <a href="">Contact us</a> for a free manikin demonstration or ask us about custom pricing for high-volume orders.</p>
<p>TruCorp intubation manikins are the most lifelike and durable&nbsp;airway management trainers on the market today. We’re committed to providing effective training and improving patient outcomes with our innovative line of <a href="">medical training manikins</a>.</p>
<p><em>“We are loyal to the AirSim manikins because they are the most realistic models on the market…The manikins are well suited to our training, the incredible realism and anatomically correct details provide our pediatric anesthesiology and critical care learners an experience similar to a real clinical scenario… The product range is ever expanding and TruCorp continues to produce airway trainers that reflect the real world challenges we face.”</em></p>
<p>-Patrick Ross, Los Angeles Children’s Hospital</p>
<p>Front of neck access in a paediatric airway emergency requires regular training to build and maintain the necessary skills. Our AirSim Child Combo X model facilitates efficient, true-to-life practice in simulated paediatric emergency front of neck airway (FONA) techniques including paediatric cricothrotomy (needle and surgical) and percutaneous tracheostomy.</p>
<p>TruCorp has produced a range of&nbsp;intubation manikins to facilitate training in different medical procedures.</p>
<li><a title="Cricothyrotomy training manikins &amp; cric trainer" href="">Cricothyrotomy training manikins</a></li>
<li><a title="Manikins for tracheostomy practice" href="">Tracheostomy training manikins</a></li>
<li><a title="Bronchoscopy training manikins" href="">Bronchoscopy training manikins</a></li>
<li><a title="Difficult airway training products" href="">Difficult airway trainers</a></li>
<li><a title="Pediatric airway trainers" href="">Pediatric airway trainers</a></li>
<li><a title="BVM trainers" href="">Bag-valve-mask ventilation</a></li>
<p>The&nbsp;<a title="What makes the AirSim X airway unique" href="">AirSim® X airway</a> provides realistic feedback during airway management procedures and withstands continuous and repeated use. Each airway is covered by a 5-year warranty and certified for 20,000+ intubation cycles. The AirSim® X nasal passage has been developed in a manner similar to the AirSim® X airway and provides an anatomically correct nasal cavity with important landmarks such as the turbinates clearly defined. An inflatable tongue with lifelike size and texture simulates edema for training in obstructed airway management.</p>
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<h6>Package Contents</h6>
<li><a href="">1&nbsp;Carrier/storage case</a></li>
<li>1&nbsp;Bottle of <a href="">TruCorp lubrication</a></li>
<li><a href="">3&nbsp;Child lung bags</a>&nbsp;replicating 2 lungs &amp; stomach</li>
<li>5&nbsp;<a href="">Larynx inserts</a> (1 attached, 4 extra)</li>
<li>1&nbsp;<a href="">Wrap around neck skin</a> (attached)</li>
<li>2 sets of adhesive pads (attachable to suction cups for increased stability if required)</li>
<h6>Parts &amp; accessories</h6>
<li><a href="">Replacement AirSim Child Combo X Airway</a></li>
<li><a href="">Child Combo X Head Skin and Nasal Passage</a></li>
<li><a href="">Base Plinth</a></li>
<li><a href="">Suction cups</a> (set of 3)</li>
<li><a href="">Super Saver Child Cric Training Pack</a> (50 students)</li>