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  • Anatomically correct internal Bronchi down to the 4th generation
  • Head articulation which allows intubation in neutral and ‘sniffing’ position
  • Wraparound replaceable neck skin which facilitates up to 20 incisions thus improving efficiency.
  • Larynx membrane insert which provides lifelike resistance for the cricothyroid membrane and tracheal rings
  • Optional subcutaneous fat tissue to demonstrate more difficult tracheostomy and cricothyroidotomy procedures.
  • Palpable cricoid landmarks, laryngeal cartilages and tracheal rings to provide positive user feedback and easy identification of the sternal notch


  • Restrictors for elbows, knees and fingers (1 pair for each)

  • Back brace

  • Pair of weights each for the wrists (500g) and ankles (1kg)

  • Gloves (10 pairs)

  • Pair goggles

  • Ear plugs (50 pairs)

  • Folding walking stick

  • Bib

  • Instruction leaflet

  • Storage bag
