Clinical Procedures
- Auscultation (0)
- Blood Pressure (0)
- Catheterization (0)
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Examination (8)
- Epidural and Lumbar (0)
- Epidural and Spinal (0)
- Injections and Punctures (0)
- Intramuscular (I.M.) and Intradermal (0)
- Intraosseous (0)
- Intravenous (I.V.) and Arterial (0)
- Laparoscopy (0)
- Male Examination (0)
- Suturing and Bandaging (0)
Educators Toolkit™ for OtoSim 2™
1021953Software upgrade with set of 3 applications (image creator, image annotator and slide presenter) that allows healthcare educators to customize thei...
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Educators Image Toolkit™ for OphthoSim™
1021956Software upgrade with set of 3 applications (image creator, image annotator and slide presenter) that allows healthcare educators to customize thei...
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Eye Upgrade Kit for OtoSim 2™
1021951Hardware and software upgrade which mounts on your existing OtoSim 2™ and allows you to enjoy the benefits of OphthoSim™.
PneumatoSim™ Pneumatic Otoscopy Upgrade Kit
1021952Add-on to the OtoSim 2™ which focuses on pneumatic otoscopy. Through hands-on insufflation and otoscopy experience, students can enhance their skil...
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OtoSim 2™ und OphthoSim™ Set
1022140OtoSim 2™ OtoSim 2™ content and skills features include: Instrument Use Feature Identification Pathology External Auditory Canal ...
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OtoSim 2™ Otoscopy Training
1021950Developing diagnostic skills in otoscopy is challenging for all learners - OtoSim 2™ brings verifiable learning to otoscopy training. The tracked o...
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OphthoSim™ Ophthalmoscopy Training
1021954OphthoSim™ Ophthalmoscopy Training is a hands-on simulation system that radically transforms how students learn to diagnose and treat eye pathologi...
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Ear Upgrade Kit for OphthoSim™
1021955Hardware and software upgrade which mounts on your existing OphthoSim™ and allows you to enjoy the benefits of OtoSim 2™.